

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Opening Mass at RSASS Annual General Assembly 2016

The General Assembly has begun with the Holy Mass presided by H.E. Charles Daniel Balvo

This is a brief extract of his homily.

Act of the apostles, what was their identity? Who were they? Simply Jews or missionaries to the gentiles? To whom do they have to go? And they had the first gathering in Jerusalem to decide to see if they were something new but still recognising their origin.

They were both, rooted in the Jewish tradition, but they were bearing something new. We have inherited that “newness” of life and we keep preaching it all over South Sudan. The things that keeps us together is the Lord Jesus himself; he's the vine we are the branches. Whatever we face his life and love is present in our own lives; yet sometimes we cut off ourselves from him.
These are important days for South Sudan, maybe peace will come, but the best will come if we do not forget our mission, spreading the love of God remaining rooted in Jesus Christ. Paul was convinced that nothing can separate us from God, we shall not forget that.

Have a good work to all the participants

And these is just some Group Work after plenary session

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