3rd Sunday of Easter
(Acts 5:27-32, 40-41, Rv 5:11-14, Jn21:1-19)
Recognize the lord and live with faith
I greet all in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. We are all invited this third Sunday of Easter first recognize the Lord like John and to run like Peter to Jesus. Today's Gospel story is about God in search of man, even when man tries to evade him. The fire of God's love has to burn within our heart. The Apostles failed to recognize immediately the Lord when he greeted them at the sea of Tiberius. Peter decided to return to his home district of Galilee, because he was discouraged and did not know what to do after the tragedy of Jesus death. He went back to his previous carrier out of despair and uncertainty. So the other Disciples followed him back to Galilee. After the miraculous catch, Jesus told to Peter that he would be "catching the people" for the kingdom of God.
1st Reading describes how the Apostles reacted when the Jewish leader tried to stop them from preaching about Jesus. This was the second time they had been arrested by the Jewish Supreme Court. The spirit of the risen lord transformed Peter, whom Jesus appointed head of the church, from being coward into brave witness to the Resurrection. 2nd Reading from the book of Revelation presents John's vision of the risen Lord as the glorified "Lamb of God" enthroned in heaven. Using the rich imagery, John explains that Jesus has done marvelous works and given us more than we deserve. Hence the Angels sing praises around God's throne. The Apocalypse of John is an expression of Christian hope in the Risen lord.
An Old king was at the point of his death and he decided to help his entire kingdom before his death. So he called his entire people to gather in front of his palace.
He greeted them and said I want to make all happy today. The entire kingdom smiling is my last wish before I die. Therefore every needs and wants and things for your life are in my palace. Touch something it becomes yours.
The rich people entered inside touched beautiful Cars, Gold, Silver, and Money carried happily and the old King was happy. Now it was a time for the poor people to enter inside they touched where it was full of food like rice, sorgam, maize, water from the palace and king was happy. Everybody was happy and touched according to their needs. The King was moving around the palace and happy because entire Kingdom was happy now. Surprisingly, only a small boy did not tough anything. Now, the happy king went near the boy and said politely, for my happy life please touch something. At once the boy ran to the king touched and embraced the old King. The Boy said, If I touch you the entire palace is mine.
As the boy touched the king, we are invited this Sunday to touch Jesus through our way of life. When we tough Jesus the whole kingdom is ours. The Apostle Peter was called and given the mission to catch the people for the kingdom of God because he touched the heart of Jesus like the small boy in the story.
Jesus love is without limit, unconditional and everlasting. Jesus questions Peter's love and fidelity three times in front of the disciples. It must be caused Peter pain and sorrow since he had publicly denied Jesus three times. Now Peter full of remorse and humility stated that he loved his master and willingly to serve him whatever it might cost. The Lord calls us like the Apostles even in our weakness and sin, indifference, lose of hope to love him above all else. The triple confession and commissioning of peter gave him the readiness and willingness to work for God's mission. The Gospel gives us vivid picture of the reality of the resurrection. Jesus is real and true flesh, not just a spirit or ghost. The risen Lord is present in our pain and suffering. We know that we are all living in the dark time of the country (Power crisis, Tribal war, economical crisis, killing of innocents, woman is given as a salary to the soldier, etc). We have the uncertainty about the future like the Apostles but Jesus is our hope and we need to see God's love that is Jesus himself. Let us spread the mission of Jesus through our simple life and tough the heart of the people.
Jesus the resurrection and the life, increase our faith in the power of the resurrection that we may never doubt your word nor stray from your presence.
For the personal reflection
The Lord reveals himself to each of us as we open our hearts to receive his words.
Let us recognize Lord's presence in our life and receive his word with faith.
Have a fruitful Sunday
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