

Monday, 1 February 2016

Trauma healing workshop

Dear Brothers and sisters,

as already announced some weeks ago, I remind you about our Trauma Healing session which will be held from the 7th to the 11th of March 2016 in Juba at the Inter-Africa Hotel.

People in charge of the training are:

fr. Raimundo Rocha (RSASS Trauma Healing Coordinator) – Comboni House – Phone: 0927911542 or 0912279018
fr. Jesùs Aguirre Ofm – phone: 0927123692

Please Find invitation Letter below:

Juba, 01 February 2016.


Dear Brothers and Sisters. The Peace of our Lord Jesus!

The Religious Superior’s Association of South Sudan (RSASS) is delighted to invite you to participate in a psycho-spiritual therapy counselling course (Trauma Healing Training Workshop) from 08 to 10 March 2016 at Intra-Africa Hotel (just near Juba Port) in Juba.

This trauma healing training is for a group of 30 Religious and lay people who work in all Dioceses of South Sudan and who, once trained and healed from trauma, will commit themselves to provide counselling and trauma healing to the different groups of people they have been working with in their missions across the country.

The invited trainer and facilitator is Sr. Okechi Njoku, the Director of Holy Rosary Sisters' Counselling and Peace Centre in Sierra Leone, who is a professional Counsellor. Sr. Okechi has a large experience in leading psycho-spiritual therapy counselling sessions and training for traumatised people across Africa.

Most people in South Sudan are traumatised and need to be healed of traumas, restore wholeness and regain confidence. Counselling and trauma healing will help many of these traumatized people to heal and to re-stabilize their lives, to return to an emotionally health and to move on towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Together we can foster healing, wholeness and peace in the individual and in the communities and enabling them to also become promoters of reconciliation, justice and peace.

Please take note of the indications in the registration form attached and share this invitation with other members of your congregation in the country in case that we missed anyone on the mailing list and they might be interested.

Fr. Raimundo Rocha, mccj
RSASS Trauma Healing coordinator

PS: in order to receive your application form, please contact via mail fr. Raimondo Rocha

May the Lord give you peace
Abuna Loro

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